Infinite Strength Launch

In the last ten years, I have personally struggled to step into manhood and embrace the wisdom that humanity has collected over thousands of years. At the beginning of 2020 I was a struggling strength coach that was woefully underprepared for the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the trials of that time, I ballooned up to 320# and had no financial safety net. With hard work and perseverance I eventually lost 80# and doubled my income from $40k to $80k, but my family, friends and romantic relationships suffered greatly. It's cool to be jacked and financially stable, but what happens when there is no one to share it with?
The current masculinity crisis in America begins and ends with a lack of self-respect and community. I want to use my story as a way to connect with others to begin to repair the wounds that we carry as a society. To combat this, I'm launching a one-two punch of Infinite Strength coaching and the Hard Things podcast. I am also writing my first non-fiction book called Initiative: How I Lost 80#, Doubled My Income and Why None of it Mattered which aims to define the problems we face and provide tactical solutions. I'm focused on on refining my ideas quickly with the intention to release the book in July 2024. The initial three episodes of the podcast are out now as I type this message, so please give them a listen and consider purchasing a coaching session and/or the book. You can find them on Spotify, YouTube and Apple podcasts
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